I realize that often my posts (or articles, as I call them, for reasons I'm about to explain) frequently and blatantly come off as preachy and annoying. In light of this, I should clarify that at no time am I trying to generate a serious following of minds dedicated to my thoughts, opinions, or theories. In fact, a lot of this is rambling and cranial extradition.
Being dissatisfied with my surroundings comes at greater ease than amusement and so if the blog is disappointing in regards to its level of humour, that's because it's mostly just for me, and I don't really care if it makes anything but a dent in the psyches of anyone reading. That's also why a lot of the jokes I make go unnoticed; the majority of them are funny to me and maybe five other people who I haven't met on the whole planet.
Am I the only person who thinks that Goosebumps could benefit from a re-imagining of sorts? If not directly, than in subject matter alone, at least. As a twenty-one year old man, I feel quite a serious lack of whimsical horror anthologies in the format of episodes and seasons. There are shows like Fear Itself, but they're so low-budget and painful at times that it's almost like watching a puppy get stepped on just because you wanted to hear a really loud bark; the enjoyable part of the situation is far overshadowed by its reprehensible lack of fulfilment.
Anyone who watches American Horror Story knows what I mean when I say "I want this to have a different plot and setting every episode." In the interest of a lengthy arc, perhaps the story could switch up every second or third episode, but the idea is still there.
That would rock.
I think my ideal pet would be of an unusual aquatic nature. A medium-sized shark that's tank-friendly, or a large octopus, or a deep-sea angler if I could swing it. Barring one large animal, I'd enjoy several small ones. I imagine watching several shrimp scuttle about in a four-foot aquarium to be rather entertaining. I've heard stories about salt-water tanks that you can have in your home, however the expense is hefty and I'd most likely be unable to foot a bill of such monthly magnitude. That, and when you think about it. Salt-water is salty due to a combination of Earthen gases and large sea animals urinating and ejaculating constantly into unfiltered waters.
So maybe that's something one would want to stay away from.
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