The answer is "just about everything I like"
Dredd is already out in theatres, and based on what I've heard about it, I'm going to be waiting a while for a dvd release (because it's going to stick around the big screen for so long).
October is a month filled to the tip with delight. More than five movies I've been anticipating hit the Earth en masse in less than a week and I will be voiding my bowels promptly upon their arrival. Say what you want about the Paranormal Activity franchise (I tend to say a lot of negative things about it even though I love it), the fourth one, although appearing terrible at first glance, has been met with my adaptation to the concept. In other words, it has grown on me of late. Wrong Turn 5 is apparently the goriest one yet, and if the trailer is any indication, it should be much better than the previous instalment (honestly if I see more shoddy special effects I'll kick my own bucket right now in my seat). With the popularity of recent supernatural occurrences and the incline of the found-footage genre, there seem to be more and more films that incorporate that particular style in one sense or another. Sinister is one. Not to mention the advancement of the calendar means I'm closer to my other cinematic aspirations; Chernobyl Diaries has to hit shelves someday, the sooner the better. Then there are more classically-oriented projects such as Possession and The Apparition, capitalizing on fame obtained by such monstrosities as The Woman in Black and The Unborn...a lot of "The" titles this year. Good.
Since Sin City there hasn't been much in the way of comic interpretation for screen that I've really enjoyed (save for Bunraku, unless you count Batman or the Grindhouse series, neither of which I do because one isn't really true to any source material and the other has no graphic counterpart), so I'm looking forward to Dredd with great fervor and rarely-acquainted high hopes. There always seems to be one month out of a year that brings me decent amounts of film-related excitement, and how fitting that Halloween month is the winner this year. It's almost as if they planned it or something.
Oh wait they totally planned it
I'm not an idiot
So that's what I'm ready for. I just finished acquiring three movies that have piqued my interest for some time, one of which I had seen once at a vulnerable age. Horror day, today. Horror day. Horror MONTH. Horror LIFE.
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