November 24, 2011

Best Buy Drops the Ball, Then Shits On It

On May 2nd, 2011, I pre-ordered Brink.

I had seen what I thought would be a great game (I was proven wrong later) advertised in a few areas and decided I wanted my hands on it, stroking it, licking it, as soon as it came out. I thought to myself, "I've been to Best Buy before. Their prices are half-decent though unchanged from other stores upon a game's release, and their service is only friendly in the first 15 seconds. What a lovely idea it would be, to pay them to give me something I want the right way." Some time later, I had fingery access to my game, but something was missing.

I had pre-ordered this game specifically to obtain the bonuses involved; special character and weapon customization options. When you do it this way, they send a code in the game case that you enter to unlock these items. When I unwrapped the victoriously-smelling game case for the first time, there was no such derivative joy. It was a code-free zone. Upon contact, and about 3 PS3 codes that didn't work on my Xbox 360 (which I had told them I was using) later, I learned that Best Buy had failed to inform me that the pre-order bonus wasn't supported by them. I really had no way of knowing, until it was too late. Thus began the trek through poor service, stubborn technicians, and waiting. Always waiting.

First offenses are always forgivable. Best Buy and I were still on good terms (they have crazy low sale prices and god damn it I don't want to pay full price for anything more than a year old).With that in mind, I decided that I would order RAGE through them in September. (I'm skipping over my computer because it's probably my fault for being a dumb retard and expecting a non-gaming computer to do gaming stuff without upgrades) If you've seen my videos, you'll know the story. I was told that RAGE would be in my grubs on a specific date. When this date came, and I didn't get my Amazing Rectangular Orgasmachine,  I was unnerved. Upon contact I was informed that what they meant was, they would get my game on that date, and I had to wait almost two weeks to have my property shipped to me. Apparently Best Buy sometimes likes to cram merchandise into their rectum, and it gets stuck, so they call in specialists to remove it and the whole process takes about 10 days.

Okay, last chance Best Buy. I, like a hungry lamb with an attention span short enough to forget about the poison in the food the farmer left me, returned to you once again. Entrusting you with the lifeblood that is Saints Row 3, I sent my credit card information through the waves of porn and smut internet over to you to verify the pre-order purchase. This time, the bonus is Professor Genki's Hyper-Ordinary Pre Order Pack, and they definitely carry it. I was excited to fire an Octopus Gun at my enemies, suck 'em up and shoot 'em out into oblivion, Then, much to my chagrin, my excitement had been dashed away when I was told that my game was on "back-order". Seems that when you pre-order from Best Buy, they don't reserve copies. Instead, they sit around, circle jerking and blowing each other until someone comes and a new game flies out onto another's face. Then they peel it off and package it and send it to me. In the meantime, though, I get to wait. Then, finally, today, three days late, my game has arrived, empty. Oh, the disc is in there, but yet again, there is no pre-order code. Now, after a week of being told to "wait 2 days", I finally have what I was supposed to get in the first place.

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