Gosh, parents are the worst
OKAY I don't have anything important to say yet so here's this
That's the original thumbnail I was going to use for the video I uploaded which corresponds to the date of this entry.
Alright so paintballs are painful. I was hit about five times, possibly more in that video so I consider myself an authority on the subject. Through vigorous and forced experimentation, and with little to no regard for adequate scientific procedure, I have concluded that paintballs are painful.
That almost rhymes, so you know it's true.
I'm just...letting it all hang out, aren't I. Now that I've put further consideration into this image...it's a fucking embarrassing position to be caught in.
You know when internet folk pause vlogs on a random frame and screencap it if the person they're watching makes a terrible face mid-sentence? I think I've just discovered an equally humiliating practice for stunt videos. Perhaps I shall embark on a quest to find the most awkwardly-positioned screencaps of my poor self flailing in agony, awash in a sea of helpless pain.
That got really bleak for a second.
Ostensibly, I try to distance this blog from my YouTube while maintaining some slight relation in subject matter or cadence so unless there are interesting events occurring in my life outside of videography, I don't usually have much to discuss. But I'm trying god damn it.